
About The Show

For over 13 years, I served as a pastor in a Christian church.  And over the years, I've had countless conversations with people about God, faith, and Jesus.  But, if I'm being honest, the vast majority of those conversations were with Christians - people who already believed in God. 

Now, there's nothing wrong with that, but still it has left me with a sense of regret - because, what I always really wanted to do was introduce people to God.

That's what this podcast is about.

If you're not quite sure what you believe about God or spirituality, but you're open to having those conversations - this podcast is for you.  And I know for you, it won't make sense to just say, "well the Bible says this or that." So we're going to talk some science - though I am not a scientist. And we'll talk some philosophy, culture - and just the things of life.

I don't know where this conversation will lead you.  But, at the very least, I hope you will be able to say that someone invited you into a real and sincere conversation about God.

And maybe...just maybe...you'll meet God along the way.


Pastor Jay Lee is a Christian blogger and podcaster with a knack for communicating deep truths with simplicity and relevance. He has a unique capability of drawing a diverse audience and network of guests together across lines of theological beliefs, ethnicity and culture. He served as a pastor for over 13 years and has an M.Div from Gateway Seminary, and a Th.M from Talbot School of Theology.

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